The Florida Chautauqua Theatre is currently in desperate need of a new roof and other major repairs. Our historic building was restored almost 25 years ago. We have continuously made needed repairs and we are well beyond the patching phase. We need your HELP! We are going to “Raise the Roof” and have fun doing it by welcoming local musicians, Luke Langford and Matt Miller, as we open the doors for you to see behind the scenes, make a donation and have a good time helping us RAISE THE ROOF! Limited tickets are available for $99. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS Participants will be treated to light hors d’oeuvres, and limited complimentary beverages. This event is by ticket only. ALL monies from ticket sales go directly to repairs! If you are interested in being an EVENT SPONSOR, sponsorship level information is located below….

For sponsorship, please call 850-892-9494 or email us at [email protected] and an event coordinator will personally contact you. TOGETHER WE CAN RAISE THE ROOF!!!!