The Florida Chautauqua, Inc. is excited to announce our latest project showcasing Historic DeFuniak Springs. Notecards have been designed featuring a color composite of twenty-five “Doors of DeFuniak”. Each package contains ten notecards with envelopes. Doors were selected based on historical significance, character or age. The selection process was very difficult, because DeFuniak has many interesting and beautiful doors. We hope you purchase and enjoy locating, “Doors of DeFuniak”. Proceeds from these sales benefit the programs of The Florida Chautauqua, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization.
The notecards are available for purchase in DeFuniak Springs, FL for $15 (sales tax included) at the following locations: Fisher’s Pharmacy, The Little Big Store, McLean’s Florist & Gifts, the office of The Florida Chautauqua, Inc., or by calling 850.892.9494.